What are we doing ?
The repertoire of the Ensemble Trecanum include first the gregorian chant, and in general the liturgical christian
song of the western high Middle Ages, that rich and various : ambrosian (from Milano), old-roman, beneventan, and transformed by
Cistercian Monks, Dominicans, etc ...
The repertoire of the Ensemble Trecanum extends itself also on the sacral music of the second half of the Middle Ages : on unanimous
and polyphonic works, that in famous centers as St. Gallen, Bingen, St Martial of Limoges, the school of Notre-Dame (Paris),
Las Huelgas and many english, italian and other european centers of musical creation in the Middle-Age.
The Ensemble Trecanum offers thematic concerts, in which the spirit of the sacred song lies as nearly as possible at
the liturgy, its origin.
The Ensemble Trecanum offer to perform especially in medieval churches, whose architecture is more
in harmony with the medieval song (see our side « Why ? »). It offer also concerts with
instruments in order to set the gregorian chant in relation with other musical expressions that were inspired by the gregorian chant, or
improvisations with an organist or other instrumental pieces.
In conclusion the Ensemble Trecanum take part also in
liturgical services.