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               Prochains rendez-vous / nächste Termine / next meetings > > > 23 - 03 - 2025, 17 h MOLSHEIM : Chapelle Notre-Dame > > > 28 - 03 -2025, 20 h 30 STRASBOURG : église St-Pierre-le-Jeune-cath. / kath.-Kirche Jung-St.-Peter

Commandez le nouveau CD de l'Ensemble Trecanum :
Lumière et Paix

Ecoutez le Victimae Paschali Laudes :


Year 2003 (2)

Santo Domingo de la Calzada : the concert took place at the cathedral, with a sound of gloucements coming from the "gallinero " located at the entry of the cathedral. This one commemorates the miracle of Santo Domingo, a monk of XIème century, by permanently lodging a cock and a hen.

Castojeriz San Juan
Castrojeriz, where the Ensemble trecanum sang the mass in the St John's church.

Astorga at the great gothic cathedral where take place the cycle of summer concerts "Música en la Catedral"

Concert de Santillana
Santillana del Mar, in the cloister of the collegiate church.It is a superb romanic unit.
This concert was an incursion towards the pilgrims's way on the edge of sea to Compostela

Carrión de los Condes : in the romanic-gothic St Mary's church

Carrion de los Condes
Carrion de los Condes

Fromista : at the St Martin's church


at the Santa Mari's church of Uncastillo, small picturesque place and very old village in the mountain of Aragon ;

Jaca : a town near the border (Col du Somport). This concert took place in the Festival Internacional Caminos de Santiago : the last concert of Trecanum in Spain.
Saint-Emilion, in the festival "Collégiades" :
this concert was, with the return in France, the final event of the musical tour of Trecanum on the ways towards Santiago de Compostela.