Year 2002 (1)
The Ensemble TRECANUM started the year with two Christmas concerts, at the 19th and 20th Januar : in the evangelic church of Barr and in the catholic church of St Pierre-le-Vieux of Strasbourg. The them was "Christmas music, from the 6th century to about 1600", and showed the permanence of the "gregorian" sources in the music of the Renaissance. The Ensemble trecanum was composed with 16 singers and instrumentists for this programm.
And then the following events :
February 3 : the Ensemble Trecanum performed in the parish church of Rixheim, near of Mulhouse
from April 27 to May 1 : a tour of 5 concerts :
in the church of Cordeliers in Lons-le-Saunier (Jura)

in the church St Germain of Auxerre, which was the heart of the former abbey Saint-Germain. Inside is a carolingian crypt.
in Alsace, in the abbey church of Ottmarsheim, rcounterpart in miniature of the Palatine Vault of Aachen : the octagonal structure
of the abbey church is rigorous and single there.
Dedicated to Our-Lady, it is purer ottonian styl.

May 9, in the romanic former abbey church of St Trophime in Eschau :

May 11 : in the romanic castle's church of Spiez (Swiss, canton of Bern)