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               Prochains rendez-vous / nächste Termine / next meetings > > > 23 - 03 - 2025, 17 h MOLSHEIM : Chapelle Notre-Dame > > > 28 - 03 -2025, 20 h 30 STRASBOURG : église St-Pierre-le-Jeune-cath. / kath.-Kirche Jung-St.-Peter

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Lumière et Paix

Ecoutez le Victimae Paschali Laudes :


Year 2005 (1)

The firsts concerts of the Ensemble Trecanum took place around Paris :

April 9, in Chelles (east of Paris) : in the St Andrew's church. This church (13th cent.) was built on the place of a former church, then was modified in the 18th century.
This parish church contains the relics of the Holy Bathilde. It is one of the rare elements remaining of the large close royal abbey, fonded by the Bathilde queen at the 7th century. It is one of the rare elements remaining from the former great royal abbey founded by the queen Bathilde at the 7th century.

April 10, in the former abbeychurch of St Germer-de-Fly (about 30 km west from Beauvais),
more exactly in its contiguous gothic chapel, which is a replica of the Holy chapel in Paris.

St Germer-de-Fly
St Germer-de-Fly
St Germain l'Auxerrois

April 11, in the church St Germain l'Auxerrois of Paris, which was the former royal parish : it's one of the more beautiful churches of Paris ; the church is facing the Louvre Palace. The Gregorian Chant is often sung in this great gothic church.

St Germain l'Auxerrois
St Germain l'Auxerrois

Then, in May and June : several performances in Alsatia :

May 8, in the former abbeychurch of Marmoutier (near Saverne) : one among the most beautiful churches of Alsatia, where the Ensemble Trecanum sang already in June 1997.

at 10 a.m. : a sung mass in the context of a cycle of masses with a specific musical programm (Gregorian Chant, polyphonic and organ pieces), organised at each spring by the society Les Amis de l'Orgue Silbermann de Marmoutier.

at 5 p.m. : a concert with the organist Thierry SENENTZ, on the thematic "Alleluia" for the Easter time.
Chartreuse de Molsheim
June 24 in Molsheim (30 km west from Strasbourg) : a concert in the cycle "The fridays of the Chartreuse" organised at each summer by the dynamic Association pour l'Animation de la Chartreuse de Molsheim. The performance took place in the recently restored cloister.

June 25 in Aarau (Switzerland) : a concert in the Stadtkirche, in collaboration with the titular organist of this beautiful gothic church, Hans HAÜSERMANN.