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               Prochains rendez-vous / nächste Termine / next meetings > > > 23 - 03 - 2025, 17 h MOLSHEIM : Chapelle Notre-Dame > > > 28 - 03 -2025, 20 h 30 STRASBOURG : église St-Pierre-le-Jeune-cath. / kath.-Kirche Jung-St.-Peter

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Lumière et Paix

Ecoutez le Victimae Paschali Laudes :


Year 2009 (2)

July : musical round in Central Europe : Hongary, Slovakia, Romania, and Ukraine :

the Ensemble Trecanum sings twenty concerts, and several times during a mass. In Romania, the round was organized with the partnership of the French Cultural Centers of Cluj and Iasi.

July 9 : Győrszentiván (Győr, Hungary) ;

July 10 : Budapest, in the Avilai Szent Teresa church, in the center of the city.

July 11 : Presov (Slovakia), in the cathedral ;


July 12 : Lipany, in the parish church


July 13 : Cluj (Romania), in the beautiful St Michel church : it is one of the greatest gothic churches of Romania.


July 14 : Dej, in the franciscan church.
The Ensemble Trecanum received in Dej a very warmhearted welcome, with a performance which was especially arranged : romanian and hungarian traditional music and dances.

July 15 : Iaşi, in the the Catholic Theological Institute's chapel of the capital of romanian Moldova.

July 16 : Tazlau, in the orthodox church of this picturesque village at the foot of Carpathians : a particularly attentive public - with much kids and young people (often french-speaking) - in a very full church. In summary, great moments lived in the heart of Romania.

July 17 : Turda : two concerts in partnership with the Ratiu Foundation for Democracy : the first in the catholic church, and the second in the orthodox church of Upstanding.

July 18 : Târgu Mureş, in the greek-catholic church of the Dormition

Târgu Mureş
Târgu Mureş

July 19 : Tiszaásvány (Ukraine), in the reformed church of this village in Transcarpathian Ukraine. It is the first of three concerts of the Ensemble Trecanum in this formerly hungarian region.

July 20 : Beregszász/Berehove, in the catholic church, which dates from the 15th cent. and was restored during the 19th c

July 21 : Bene, in the catholic church.

The Ensemble Trecanum received during these three days in Ukraine, warmhearted and enthusiastic welcome.

July 22 : Stropkov (Eastern Slovakia), in the gothic church from 14. century.


July 23 : Sárospatak (Hungary), in the great gothic basilica of St. Elizabeth : once again, a full church and a enthusiastic public ! Sárospatak is the birthplace of this birthplace of this holy woman, whom hungarian people venerates particularly : marry with the king of Thüringen, she was widowed very young. During her court reigns, when she was not actively engaged in the business of government, she spent all her time either in prayer or visiting the poor and the sick. She founded monasteries before dying, 24 years old.
