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               Prochains rendez-vous / nächste Termine / next meetings > > > 23 - 03 - 2025, 17 h MOLSHEIM : Chapelle Notre-Dame > > > 28 - 03 -2025, 20 h 30 STRASBOURG : église St-Pierre-le-Jeune-cath. / kath.-Kirche Jung-St.-Peter

Commandez le nouveau CD de l'Ensemble Trecanum :
Lumière et Paix

Ecoutez le Victimae Paschali Laudes :


Year 2002 (3)

August 2 : in Ste Ann of Alderney, a new gothic church on this very small island, close the french coast.

August 24 : in the cathedral of Vienne (in the south of Lyon). This town was one of the very first christian communities of Gaule, and the starting point of this tour.

August 25 : at Innichen (San Candido), in the South Tirol (Italy) Innichen, a city with the foot of Dolomites, in a very beautiful decorated Romance church of frescos and old paintings, which are are very numerous besides in the churches of this area.

August 26 : the Ensemble Trecanum performed in the Stiftskirche Griffen (Carintia, Austria), a beautiful baroque abbey church.

Porec Basilika
Then this tour continued in Croatia : from August 28 to 31 in Istra, with like strong time the participation of the Ensemble Trecanum at Aug. 31 to the 41th Concerts at Euphrasius Basilika in Porec. When Porec entered the sphere of Byzantine culture in the 6th century, the complex of the Basilica of St. Euphrasius was constructed. Its richness of decoration and the degree of its preservation place this complex among the most important monuments of the Byzantine era in the Adriatic. The famous mosaïcs in the basilica are not inferior to those found in Ravenna.

The three others concerts took place in three others towns of Istria : Funtana, Tar and Vrsar.

September 1 : Stari Grad (Hvar Island), in the Dominican's church. Stari Grad, the oldest town on the island and one of the first in Europe, was founded by the ancient Greeks in 385/384 bC as an independent polis of Pharos. At the time of the Roman colonisation it was called Pharis. From the formation of the Hvar commune in 1278, when Hvar (Civitas Nova) became the island's chief town, Stari Grad (Civitas Vetus) stagnated somewhat.

September 2 : Hvar, the island's chief town has the same name as the island.
The Ensemble Trecanum was invited from the Summer Festival and performed in the cloister of the Franciscan Monastery, located vis-a-vis at the sea, where take place the musical events.
The small port of Hvar, marked by the venetian architecture, is one of the most beautiful sites of Dalmatie. In addition to splendid sites natuels, the Hvar Island shelters a cultural richness out of the commun run : monuments, churches, museums, concerts, theater, and a manecantery of Boy Singers, who already occurred in many parts of the world.
Hvar monastere franciscain

September 4 : in the cathedral of Korcula :


The island's chief town has the same name as the island, where are many churches and museums. Korcula disputes to Venice the glory to be the fatherland of Marco Polo. It is difficult to imagine a more perfect overlap between the architecture of the old city and the landscape of which it forms part ! The building of the cathedral began in the 15th century in decorated Gothic, and at the end of the same century it was completed with a Renaissance cupola executed by Marko Andrijia. The cathedral has a rich artistic inventory, particular with respect to works of sculpture by local artists.

September 5 : in the cathedral St. Duje (Dominius) of Split : as small as moving : the one-time mausoleum of the Emperor Diocletian is today’s Cathedral of St. Dominius. The cathedral shelters besides the remainders of St Dominius, who evangelized Split and was martyrized under this roman emperor - one of the largest persecutors of christians - at the begining of the 4th century. The original appearance of the mausoleum is preserved almost in its entirety. The exterior is octagonal, and it is surrounded by a series of 24 columns which carried the roof, while inside it is of circular shape with two rows of Corinthian columns and a frieze decorated with medallions with heads of the Emperor Diocletian and his wife Perisca. Attached to the cathedral is a building which houses the sacristy, the treasury and the archives of the Split cathedral. At the foot of the belfry are two Romanesque lions, and to the right, on the wall, is an Egyptian sphinx of black granite from 1500 BC.

September 6 : in Kötschach (Carinthia, Austria) in a very beautiful gothic church. It was the end of this musical tour.

September 2002 :

September 8 : the Ensemble trecanum performed in the church of Plaine, village of the Alsatian Vosges, before setting out again for a few days before to return to Italy :

September 15 in Swiss : the Ensemble Trecanum performed in the romanic abbey church of St Victor of Muralto, very near from Locarno (Canton of Ticino).

San Vittore

September 16 : a concert in Pieve di Calci, picturesque village fixed on the mountain close Pisa.

September 17 and 18 : Trecanum was invited to the festival "Sagra Umbra" and performed in two jewels of the Baroque art of Umbria : Monte..... and Gubbio, superb old city, which was one of the many localities where was exerted the apostolate of St François of Assisi.

October 6 : in Avolsheim, at the Dompeter church, took place the last concert of the year.

The DOMPETER (Domus Petri : Peter's house), the oldiest church of Alsace (1st part of the 11th cent.), where was already previsiously an oldier church from the merovingian time. The Dompeter was an important pilgrimage during the Middle Age.

Le 10 novembre avait lieu le dernier concert de l'année, à St-Ursanne (Jura suisse), dans l'a très belle collégiale gothique.

Saint Ursanne
Saint Ursanne